Club Run 2015

I came to know of the annual Club Run conducted by Hyderabad Runners Club towards end of January. I was not sure if I wanted to participate. But once I realized that they also had a 3K run for kids, I decided to participate along with my wife and kids. The only decision I had to make was around the choice between 10K or half marathon (21.1K) for me. I had done about five 10Ks so far, but never did a half marathon. We always have a first time and decided to make this one for me!!! And my target was to finish under 2:30.

I registered online about 5 days before the event and was a bit annoyed as the google docs page did not send me a confirmation with my details. I emailed the organizers and got a positive response from them in a couple of days asking me to collect the bib the day before the event. I went to the venue to collect the bib and the arrangements were excellent. I was in and out in less than 5 minutes. The event day arrangements were also excellent – great job Hyderabad Runners Club!!!

The flag off for half marathon was scheduled for 6AM but was delayed by about 15 minutes because of bad light, which was understandable. I felt I started a bit slower than usual but picked up pace after the first 10 minutes. The terrain was largely flat, which is rare in Hyderabad. That helped me to maintain good pace.

I forgot to carry my arm band and had to carry my mobile in my palm. I felt it would be a pain but it gave me the opportunity to check my speed frequently. I completed the first 5K in 27:37, which is my personal best. After 5K, I started to struggle and after 6K, I started to walk. One of my friends who was behind me till then passed by urging me to maintain pace. I tried to keep up with him that helped me cover a Km in good pace. But I eventually asked him to carry on and alternated between walking and running. When I reached 8K mark, I had taken just over 46 mins and I told myself this is my best chance to conquer 10K in under 1 hr if I can run the next 2 Km at 6.5 Km/min. That motivated me and I completed the first 10K in 58:26. I was very happy and decided to relax a bit for the next few mins. I covered the next 3 Kms in more than 22 mins. I tried to increase my pace and managed to cover the next 2 Km in less than 14 mins but my will power was starting to fade away.

After 15K, the sun was also out and I started tiring. I drank gatorade and ate some bananas every couple of Kms but I was slowing down progressively. I could never manage a full Km under 7 mins after that. As I crossed the 18K mark, it was just over 2 hrs since I started. I had 3.1K left and I told myself that I should do a really bad job from then on to miss my target of finishing under 2:30. So, I did not stretch myself and was just monitoring the time. As I was about 400m from the finish line, a couple of my friends came from the opposite direction and started pushing me to finish strong. One of my friends even started running along with me and he later sent me a picture he took of me as I approached the finish line. It was a great gesture. I was glad that I had energy left to give it a last push and collect my medal. The clock showed 2:26 and Strava showed 2:25. I would take either as I finished under 2:30!

My family was waiting for me at the finish line. My wife and kids had already collected their medals and it was picture time. After a generous dosage of pictures, I picked up my food packet but was not in a mood to eat anything. It was a great feeling to finish in good time!!! Look forward to more in future!!!

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